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  • Writer's pictureShaun Yeo

Cueva Del Agua – Burbuja 1100

Updated: May 27

Today... after many years of dreaming... I finally went through the major restriction in Cueva Del Agua; "Paso Juan Sanchez/Ventana Llamusi"!


Never in a million years, would I have thought I would be seeing the beauties behind this part of the cave... when I first started diving in this cave, 3 years ago!


Slowly, I have being studying the cave each year, recording all the data such as passages, time/distances, gas consumption rates, ongoing training (physical fitness and cave diving skills).


Back in 2021 I visited an Air Bubble which was 500m distance from the entrance/exit of the cave. At the time, I joked about seeing the other Air Bubble that exists at 800m and even the one at 1.1km distance!

Well in 2022 I saw the one at 800m and today, passing the major restriction, which is located at 860m, I saw the Air Bubble at an amazing 1.1km from the entrance/exit of the cave! It took us 4 tanks, and a DPV (Dive Scooter) each, with a total time of just over 2 hours, to get there and back safely!

Special Thanks to my dive buddy Simone Nägele, who has been guiding me in this cave since 2021, and without, could not have made today possible!

Below is a link to a video I made from my special dive:

During the past two days, I also dived some new passages in this cave. “Ruta Del Terror” and “Paso Cartagena”. Links also below to those two areas at Cueva Del Agua:

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